Channel: capitalism | Hinesight....for Foresight

Shifting values driving towards After Capitalism


 Back in November, we did a ranking of the key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism. We start with the top vote-getter, Shifting Values, which is described as: Values are shifting from traditional (follow the rules) and modern (achieve) to postmodern (search for meaning) and integral (make a difference). Almost unnoticed by most –but […]

The post Shifting values driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Technology Acceleration driving towards After Capitalism


The second in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is technology acceleration. Technological capabilities continue to increase rapidly, often exponentially, in a wide range of sectors. In short, technology will save us. Lest ye skeptics are about to click away, hang in there. It is plausible! Proponents have a […]

The post Technology Acceleration driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Inequality driving towards After Capitalism


The third in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is technology acceleration. Growing economic inequality is threatening the social order. Inequality has long been an issue, but awareness of it has been growing and it is becoming increasingly intolerable. I previously shared how Piketty’s popular Capital in 2014 makes […]

The post Inequality driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Automation driving towards After Capitalism


The fourth in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is technology acceleration. Automation could drive towards After Capitalism from two distinctly different paths. Automation is defined here as the use of various technologies for operating equipment or for performing tasks, physical or digital, with minimal or reduced human intervention. […]

The post Automation driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Stagnation driving towards After Capitalism


The fifth in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is technology acceleration Economic growth is slowing in part due to inability to pay. The simple version of stagnation is a vicious circle (see figure): lack of jobs > lack of money > lack of purchases > lack of growth […]

The post Stagnation driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Climate and Carrying Capacity driving towards After Capitalism


The sixth in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is climate change and carrying capacity. Climate change and humanity’s growing ecological footprint are threatening the ecosystem. Global climate change is accelerating and starting to have noticeable effects. Humanity’s growing ecological footprint, which contributes to climate change, is also influencing […]

The post Climate and Carrying Capacity driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Ineffective left driving towards After Capitalism


The last in our series of seven key drivers influencing the move to After Capitalism is the Ineffective Left. The far left continues to be ineffective in catalyzing change. The left, particularly the far left, is more inclined to support the changes needed to move to After Capitalism than the right, but it has been […]

The post Ineffective left driving towards After Capitalism first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Post-Work: What if we sat around and did nothing?


The opposition to the idea of post-work has lightened. It generates fewer snorts and eyerolls. I can sneak it into classes, talks and workshops and maintain credibility. As the implausibility argument loses some of its edge, the main objection is a variation on the lazy theme, i.e., humans are ill-equipped to handle free time and […]

The post Post-Work: What if we sat around and did nothing? first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

How much sacrifice …


… are we willing to make? Sacrifice seems to be a concept that is out of fashion. Aren’t things tough enough already … and you’re asking for more? For those struggling, it’s about just getting enough. Or for some it is simply about getting mines (sic) rather than sacrificing for the larger community. The After […]

The post How much sacrifice … first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

Work ain’t Workin’: Is Stinkbombing Next?


The way we work ain’t workin’, right? So far workforce resistance has been mostly passive. But what if it turns active … thus stinkbombing. Let’s do a quick review. Great Resignation Quiet Quitting Lazy Girl Jobs Lying Flat I think workers are trying to tell us something, namely, the current approach to work is not […]

The post Work ain’t Workin’: Is Stinkbombing Next? first appeared on Hinesight....for Foresight.

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